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Id ^ v Jid ^ v Description ^ v Tags ^ v Members ^ v LastUpdate before x days ^ v MAM ^ v options support1199modify
34freie-messenger@conference.jabber.deAlles rund um die Seite- 2101209jamodify
5conversations@conference.jabber.deConversations XMPP sichere MessengerXMPP OMEMO Conversations Gajim Android Hilfe messenger deutsch1801484jamodify
12support@room.pix-art.dePix-Art Messenger - SupportPix-Art Messenger (Fork von Conversations)951502jamodify
1kuketzblog@conference.trashserver.netmoved to: kuketzblog@rooms.dismail.deIT Security Blog01502yesmodify
3angrytux@conference.trashserver.netLinux und AllgemeinesLinux591502?modify
4conversations@conference.siacs.euofficial help room for conversations (Android XMPP messenger)XMPP Conversations Android Help2801502nomodify
33twtxt@chat.mdosch.deDecentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers. (Inoffical Chat)twtxt, decentralised, microblog31502yesmodify
30kuketzblog@rooms.dismail.deKuketz IT-Security Blog LesertreffpunktIT-Sicherheit, Datenschutz, Hacking3601502yesmodify

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